Trusting Ourselves. Why It's Important and How with
Sariah Bastian

Trusting ourselves is a challenge and it denotes that we know who we are inside despite expectations around us. Yoga Therapist and Betrayal Trauma Body Expert, Sariah Bastian joins Coby to discuss the importance of trusting ourselves and how to do it.

Ready to join Beyond Breath?

Here's What Clients Have to Say

I know it may feel a bit awkward and vulnerable to share with someone you barely know your challenges and goals, so here’s a collection of testimonials and interviews I’ve done with clients sharing some of their results from working with me –
just so you know I’m a real person and can help you get real results.

                ✓ Helped 200+ clients since 2019 gain clarity to stay in their 

                         marriage after betrayal trauma

                     ✓ Wife to 1, mom to six (3 biological & 3 bonus)

                     ✓ Professional Yoga Therapist 1200 E-RYT 500

                 ✓ Worked under Dr. Kevin Skinner since 2014 helping hundreds 

                         of men and women find clarity on their marriage after 

                         betrayal trauma

                      ✓ God Lover, Book Lover, Outdoor Lover and Foodie


“Working with Sariah was freeing. I learned so much that helped on my healing journey to break free from the trap of trauma and help me decide that staying married was the best thing for me, knowing I have the power to leave if it ever comes to that. DO IT! It will change your life and open your eyes to your true self.” ~Carrie Jean

“Finding your breath is like finding your soul’s purpose. It has always been there, but once aware you know how to become your true authentic self without concern of feeling like an imposter. I found the Sariah’s program to be the catalyst I needed for change and exploration of my body and soul and a kick start to acceptance of my whole SELF. Many tools are learned that help you become aware of how to tune into your body’s language. I have been so grateful for them and for the clarity I received for my marriage.                                                                                                                                                          
~Kristin Petrucci

“I would say that it’s one of the best ways to grow as a person and gain tools that will help you in anything and everything. It gave me the clarity I was seeking to know how to move forward with my marriage. I am so glad I listened to my body instead of listening to fear.”
~Elizabeth Taguchi

“I learned about holding myself sacred and understanding more about why we do the things we do, which has given me compassion in my relationship. I definitely communicate more and am more aware of my relationships and connections with people. I’m more aware of my emotions and my truth and have been able to stand solid in my marriage.”                                                                                                        
~Cheri Buys

“You are on your path to healing. You are worthy of support. Sariah and her program will remind you of who you are and give you the gift of safe spaces to come back to yourself, come back to your breath, and meet yourself again, for the first time. Beyond Breath gives you new tools, awareness, and self-compassion as you journey on. This program enhances your process of growth, strength, and inner calm. I’m not saying you cannot heal without these offerings, but your experience will be enhanced because of them.”                 
~Shara Jackson Harper

“Working with Sariah was awakening. I discovered myself and a new way of life. I built trust in myself and how I can see my world. When it comes to deciding whether this is for you or not, don’t hesitate. Stop looking for “the right” thing to do to heal and grow. This is it. It’s impossible to be a part of this and not experience growth, expansion and clarity in your life and your marriage.”                                                             
~Breana Tucket Gibbs

“This program changed my life. It has helped me to be a better person in all my relationships. Even if you are not going through a difficult time, this program will completely change the way you see yourself. It will help you connect to others in a healthier way because you will learn to connect to yourself in a healthier way. My life is more full because I have found myself.”                                                                            ~McKell Burrows

"Do it!! Don’t hesitate. It is a vital piece to true and lasting
recovery." ~J.S.

“Sariah is a beautiful light that truly understands the mind, breath body connection. Her way is gentle and so loving. She is a very kind soul.” ~J.E. ​

“Sariah changes lives by the way she lives her own. She’s changed mine and continues to teach me and change me with every interaction I have with her. Sariah woke me up. She inspired me to see myself with love, seek truth, experience what it felt like to hold myself and others as sacred, and trust my intuition.” ~L.O.
“Sariah is the embodiment of love, light, and wisdom. She is authentic. She is a truth seeker and sharer; she fearlessly questions what others simply accept as truth and discerns truth for herself. With wisdom, grace, and love, Sariah unapologetically shares the real vulnerabilities that others may be tempted to hide or deny.” ~K.C.
“I don’t have all the right words to be able to describe how amazing it is to work with Sariah and have her be a guiding force of positivity in my life. She has brought so much peace and strength to me and is constantly reminding me to hold myself sacred which is something that I had long forgotten about. I’m so blessed to have Sariah in my life as a mentor.” ~J.R.
“From the first time I met Sariah, I felt an instant connection. She has a genuine, loving way about her that makes you feel as if you’ve known her forever as if she is one of your oldest and dearest friends. Her wisdom and insight are truly remarkable. Sariah sees people as their best self and then goes about inspiring them to become that version of themselves.” ~S.E.
“Sariah has helped me see with new eyes. She loves people as they are and doesn’t expect anyone to change themselves. She never shames them for where they are at in their life or how they are behaving—she simply invites those around her to open their eyes and notice. This kind of love is the purest I’ve ever known.” ~C.D.

Aimer Accommodations

The upstairs level of the Lodge is accessed by a beautiful wooden staircase or by an elevator. The upstairs has 5 beautiful suites, each wonderfully decorated, all of the upstairs suites have their own bathrooms.

  • Room 1 – Queen Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed
  • Room 2 – King Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed
  • Room 3 – Queen Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed
  • Room 4 – Queen Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed, Twin Bed
  • Room 5 – King Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed.

Agape Accommodations

The downstairs level of the lodge is accessed by a stairway from the main level. This level provides perfect accommodations for large groups. Huge bathrooms provide plenty of sinks and shower space to make everyone happy. The back rooms have one queen bed and one full bed bunk bed with a twin over the top.

Amore Accommodations

The downstairs level of the lodge is accessed by a stairway from the main level. This level provides perfect accommodations for large groups. Huge bathrooms provide plenty of sinks and shower space to make everyone happy. The back rooms have one queen bed and one full bed bunk bed with a twin over the top.