are you ready to save your marriage after infidelity?

It's totally possible for you!

… but some of the biggest mistakes I see high-achieving married women make after infidelity are obsessively checking their husband’s phone, constantly seeking reassurance, and setting strict boundaries to prove his commitment.

These actions keep you trapped in a cycle of doubt and anxiety. Constant monitoring heightens your insecurity and emotional turmoil, while seeking endless validation from him only reinforces your dependency and leaves you feeling powerless. Setting rigid boundaries often backfires, making you question whether he’s truly committed or just avoiding conflict.

You’re stuck in a never-ending loop, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted without making real progress towards a truly restored marriage. The reality is, if you don’t address the underlying emotional trauma and move beyond these unhealthy coping mechanisms, your path to healing remains uncertain and dependent on fluctuating feelings and external validation.

Let’s face it, how many days do you feel drained from the constant emotional strain, especially when you’re not seeing the trust and connection you desire in your marriage?

Beyond Breath isn’t just a top resource for women facing infidelity; it’s a proven path to rebuilding a strong and fulfilling marriage.

How Beyond Breath can help you!

If your husband was unfaithful and you’re struggling with the urge to check his phone and set strict boundaries, you’re not alone. Many women face these same challenges, feeling trapped in a cycle of mistrust and anxiety.

But there’s a better way to navigate this turmoil. Every year, I help countless women move past the need to snoop and instead focus on healing and rebuilding their marriage. By applying the methods I teach, they gain the clarity and confidence to restore trust and create a fulfilling relationship.

If you’re ready to break free from this cycle and save your marriage, I invite you to watch my free masterclass. I’ll show you how to:

About Sariah

I’m a wife, a mom to six, and have over 16 years of training with 2500+ hours dedicated to healing trauma in the body.

Like you, I have faced the pain of infidelity in my marriage. Initially, I believed the experts who said he had to be the one to fix our broken trust. I waited for him to prove himself, but years passed, and I still couldn’t trust him. Worse, I lost myself in the process.

Constantly ruminating on “what ifs” and images of the affair consumed my mind. I felt uptight and on edge, often losing my temper with my undeserving children. In desperation, I snooped through his car, read his emails, and tracked his whereabouts, only to find more anxiety and confusion.

I followed all the expert advice and beyond, from weekly therapy to reading countless books, but the answers I sought remained elusive. Determined to find more to life, I used my extensive knowledge and experience to heal myself.

For years I did everything the experts suggested, and then some. From weekly therapy sessions to reading every book on the shelf, it seemed everywhere I looked for the answer it wasn’t found.
I knew there was more to life, and I was determined to find my way.
I took the knowledge, education, and experience of over 16 years and 2500+ hours of specific training of the effects that trauma has on the psychobiology of the body, and I healed myself.
I went from a place of constant worry and fear to a place of peace and calm. And the one thing I want to share with you is that for the first time in a long time … I am completely in love with myself and my newfound confidence.
I love myself. I am happy with myself …
Which in turn has allowed me to fall back in love with my husband and my life.
I can’t wait to show you how it’s ALL possible for you, too!

Aimer Accommodations

The upstairs level of the Lodge is accessed by a beautiful wooden staircase or by an elevator. The upstairs has 5 beautiful suites, each wonderfully decorated, all of the upstairs suites have their own bathrooms.

  • Room 1 – Queen Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed
  • Room 2 – King Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed
  • Room 3 – Queen Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed
  • Room 4 – Queen Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed, Twin Bed
  • Room 5 – King Bed, Twin/Twin Bunkbed.

Agape Accommodations

The downstairs level of the lodge is accessed by a stairway from the main level. This level provides perfect accommodations for large groups. Huge bathrooms provide plenty of sinks and shower space to make everyone happy. The back rooms have one queen bed and one full bed bunk bed with a twin over the top.

Amore Accommodations

The downstairs level of the lodge is accessed by a stairway from the main level. This level provides perfect accommodations for large groups. Huge bathrooms provide plenty of sinks and shower space to make everyone happy. The back rooms have one queen bed and one full bed bunk bed with a twin over the top.